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How to deal with the baby’s toothache: 3 complete guide


Is the baby crying all night because of toothache? Here is everything you need to know to make it easier for him and ensure all the members of the household are a little quieter during this sensitive period. Let’s understand what can be done and more importantly – what should be avoided when the teeth erupt.

No parent wants to see their child suffer, especially when it comes to babies who are dealing for the first time in their lives with long and persistent pain like the one that may appear with teething. Out of the desire to make it easier for babies and reduce the intensity of the pain, quite a few myths and misconceptions have developed around the topic of teething. In order to put things in order, we have compiled for you reliable and well-founded information that will help overcome this obstacle in the right, safest and healthiest way:

What causes a baby’s toothache?

In most babies, the first teeth will start to erupt around the age of six months. These are falling teeth known as “milk teeth” and they develop while still in the womb before the baby emerges into the world. Twenty such teeth will erupt by the age of three and will later be replaced by permanent teeth.

Each tooth erupts over a few days – but it is important to understand that the process is not always accompanied by pain. Some babies will not see significant changes in behavior at all and will not suffer pain, while for others the process may manifest itself in crying throughout the day and maybe even swelling, redness and irritation in the gums around the tooth. The reason for this is that sometimes the erupting tooth may produce small cuts in the gums, which causes discomfort for the baby and a little frustration for the parents.
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Does teething cause an increase in body temperature?

Today, doctors are still divided as to the impact of teething on general illnesses including runny nose, cough, fever, and diarrhea. A significant number of pediatricians claim that there is no connection between these conditions, while certain studies indicate that when the teeth erupt, the gums secrete substances that can cause inflammation and increase body temperature. There are also studies that claim that teething can temporarily weaken the immune system and thus increase the risk of developing other diseases.

In any case, of course, every time your baby’s body temperature rises – it is recommended to consult the attending physician. You can, of course, use painkillers and fever reducers that are suitable for babies, as well as follow a proper and balanced diet that will strengthen the body and improve the state of their digestive system.

toothache relief

Toothache relief: this is how you will do it right

Use cold teethers –  these are soft teethers that can be cooled in the refrigerator or freezer and used to shrink the blood vessels in the baby’s gums and thus reduce pain and swelling. This is currently the most effective and recommended solution, but it is important to check that the bite is intact at all times and that the liquid inside does not leak out.

Massage the gums –  clean your fingers well and use them to gently massage the baby’s gums. The operation can also be performed using a soft toothbrush suitable for babies or a damp gauze pad. The action increases blood flow in the area and may relieve unpleasant sensations.

Avoid “grandmother’s medicine” –  many parents use gels or natural drops to reduce their children’s pain. In 2015, the Ministry of Health issued a warning against the use of most of these preparations, which may cause harm. If you are thinking of using such a preparation, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Even the amber necklaces that some parents place on the baby’s body to ease the pain may cause more harm than good. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning against the use of these necklaces because it is not clear how the substances secreted from them may affect babies. In addition, the baby may swallow the beads on the chain or choke on them while sleeping.

How do you apply for treatment?

To take care of the children’s teeth, you should contact the dentist for an examination. Book an appointment with the dentist on the website or in the app, and you can also call directly to the dental clinic closest to you.

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