Nausea in pregnancy is very common and usually disappears around the end of the first trimester, but why suffer? We have collected tips for you that may help nausea in pregnancy (including food, but not only) and may eliminate it completely
The morning hours are often the peak of nausea in pregnancy. Many women find that it is good to eat a carbohydrate such as toast or a dry cookie.
It is recommended to give up fried, fatty or overly spicy foods, which may increase nausea.
In particularly severe cases of nausea in pregnancy, it is recommended to consult a doctor and see if it is worth using medication.
In ancient Rome, pregnant women used to drink an infusion of cinnamon and lime juice in the morning, in Indonesia they drink young coconut juice, in Austria they prefer an infusion of fennel, and in Japan they use umeboshi plum.
At the beginning of pregnancy, the digestive system undergoes a change (part of which is explained by hormonal changes). For many women, the change manifests itself in nausea, but you may also feel a lack of appetite, an excess of appetite, heartburn , constipation or other symptoms. If you also have nausea during pregnancy – get our tips for relief.
1. Nausea in pregnancy: Keep eating – but in small portions
Nausea, naturally, signals to the body that nothing should be taken in, but nausea during pregnancy is different from the nausea of an upset stomach .
During pregnancy it is important that you continue to eat , even if in small and reduced portions. Inadequate and unbalanced eating during pregnancy can harm your health and that of the fetus. Proper nutrition helps your body adapt to pregnancy, helps a normal pregnancy and also contributes to faster recovery after childbirth.
As soon as the nausea and/or lack of appetite passes, it is important that you go back to eating in a varied and balanced way to make sure that the body gets everything it needs.
2. Nausea in pregnancy: Carbohydrate in the morning
Many women find that if they start the meal with a carbohydrate food with a dry texture, their ability to continue eating improves. What foods are you referring to? For example, cornflakes and rice krispies.
For many pregnant women, this recommendation is especially effective for the morning hours, which are in most cases the worst hours for nausea.
The mentioned foods are not the healthiest foods, but at a time when your appetite is so picky, it’s not bad if you use them.
You should continue the meal with more nutritious and satisfying food such as vegetables , avocados and cheeses. Such a combination will help you to open your appetite on the one hand and maintain a feeling of satiety for a longer period of time, on the other hand (thanks to the combination of fiber, unsaturated fats and proteins).
Pay attention: it is not recommended to base the entire meal on carbohydrates such as cookies.
3. Nausea in pregnancy: Avoid very spicy and fried food
It is recommended to give up fried, fatty or excessively spicy foods, which may increase the feeling of nausea.
Many women report that coffee makes them feel bad, and that its strong smell makes them nauseous. In any case, it is not recommended that you consume more than 2 glasses of caffeinated beverages per day ( coffee , strong tea infusion , cola, energy drinks and more).

4. Nausea in pregnancy: Add ginger, fruit slices and cinnamon chips to your drinking water
Ginger often comes up in the context of a spicy and strong taste, but did you know that fresh ginger has a sour and delicate taste? Thin slices of fresh ginger can significantly improve the taste of the water you drink.
But not just ginger. Also slices of apple, strawberry, orange, lemon and even cucumber give the water a delicate and special taste with a fresh and refreshing aroma that makes drinking easier.
Small pieces of cinnamon stick can also help as part of an infusion or added to cold water – you already decide.
5. In any case, it is very important that you drink throughout the day
Some? At least 10 glasses of water .
You can also drink soda or weak tea. Dehydration may increase the feeling of fatigue and nausea and even cause early labor to occur. That is why it is so important to drink sufficient amounts of fluids.
6. All this didn’t help? Medicines and pills for pregnancy nausea
If the recommendations to change the lifestyle and diet do not help relieve the nausea or vomiting or in cases where there is a concern about the dehydration of the pregnant woman, the doctor may recommend treatment with anti-nausea drugs during pregnancy.
There are several medications to treat nausea in pregnancy. All of them are considered safe for use in pregnant women, as long as they are taken in the recommended dose and as long as the patient is under medical supervision and tested according to the recommendations.
It is important to remember: all the drugs mentioned here (except Terbamine) are given with a doctor’s prescription. Starting treatment with any of them, including terbamine, requires a medical evaluation.
Diclectin and Bongesta are generally considered the treatment of choice for nausea and vomiting.
Both drugs contain the active substance doxylamine in combination with vitamin B6, but each preparation contains different concentrations of these substances.
The doctor will recommend a fixed dose or a gradual increase of the dose over a few days – depending on the effectiveness of the medicine. With Diclactin you can take up to 4 tablets a day, while with Bongesta the dose is one tablet once or twice a day.
Both of these drugs can cause drowsiness, so while being treated with them it is forbidden to drive, operate heavy machinery or engage in activities that require concentration (there are some people for whom these drugs do not cause drowsiness, and to whom these restrictions do not apply).
Additional medications
If diclectin does not help, the doctor can recommend additional drugs such as teramine (dimenhydrinate), pramin ( metoclopramide), zofran (ondansetron) or promethazine (promethazine, also known as phenergan ).
All of these drugs are effective in preventing nausea in pregnancy, but they may also cause drowsiness and require more frequent monitoring by the doctor.
- Terbamine may cause dry mouth, drowsiness and blurred vision.
- Fermin and prothiazine can cause tremors, especially if they are taken over a long period of time.
- Zofran may in rare cases cause arrhythmias , therefore during the use of the drug the attending physician is expected to monitor the condition of the heart through an EKG test and through general blood tests.
7. Other medical treatments
Injections and transfusions
If the vomiting causes dehydration, the doctor may recommend treatment with injections or the infusion of fluids and medicines.
For women who lose fluids and are at risk of dehydration, the doctor may order vitamin B1.
In severe cases resistant to conventional treatment, and if the pregnant woman loses weight, the doctor may recommend giving steroids for a short period.
Additional medications
For women who suffer from reflux (gastric and acid reflux – an increase of food or acid from the stomach into the esophagus), the doctor may recommend drugs from the family of proton inhibitors such as omeprazole or famotidine . These drugs help reduce the secretion of stomach acid and the symptoms of reflux.
8. Perspective
The nausea in pregnancy usually disappears by the end of the first trimester or the beginning of the second trimester. True, right now it may feel horrible, but soon you will feel better – and the pregnancy will be easier.
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