

Treatment of Hiccups Host and care

Hiccups are contractions in the diaphragm muscle (the muscle that limits the chest and abdomen) that occur suddenly and unconsciously.

Understanding Hiccups

Hiccups are contractions in the diaphragm muscle (the muscle that limits the chest and abdomen) that occur suddenly and unconsciously. When these contractions occur, the vocal cords close, causing a hiccup sound.

Hiccups can have several causes. Starting from eating or drinking too fast and a lot, consuming too many alcoholic and fizzy drinks, smoking, stroke, brain tumors, taking certain drugs, recently having surgery in the abdominal area, and experiencing disorders that irritate the nerves in the diaphragm muscle.

In general, hiccups only last a few seconds to a few minutes. But if you experience hiccups that do not stop for three hours or more, immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of Hiccups

Hiccups can be diagnosed only by a medical interview and physical examination. However, to find out the cause, it is necessary to carry out various supporting examinations that are relevant to the suspected things.

For example, when a person is suspected of having hiccups due to a brain tumor or stroke, the doctor may perform a CT scan of the head or an MRI of the brain to confirm the cause.

Symptoms of Hiccups

Hiccups themselves are already a symptom. When hiccups, you will feel a slight push and increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, chest, and the discharge of ‘his sound.

Treatment of Hiccups

Hiccups treatment - Host and Care Medical Journal

You can do some practical ways that can be done yourself at home, such as holding your breath and drinking or gargling with a glass of water.

If the hiccups don’t go away within 48 hours, you’ll need medication to help with the hiccups. The doctor can give you various medications to relieve your hiccups. However, this drug is classified as a hard drug, so it can only be obtained by prescription.

If medication doesn’t help (which is rare), surgery on the phrenic nerve (the nerve that controls the diaphragm muscle) can be the ultimate weapon to relieve your hiccups.

Prevention of Hiccups

You can prevent the occurrence of hiccups by avoiding eating and drinking too much and quickly.

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