Most women will suffer from back pain during pregnancy, sometimes to the point of difficulty in daily functioning. Why? Among other things, because of the enlarged stomach. The good news: our physiotherapist brings you exercises that you can start performing right now, along with demonstration photos
Lets tell you a story. Liat came to our physiotherapy institute in the 22nd week of pregnancy. ” My back has been hurting for a few weeks now , and I can barely function at work. I tried so many things and nothing helped,” she told me.
She did exercise regularly before pregnancy, but in recent months she avoided activity because she was afraid of an effort that could endanger the baby. After I checked her, we started practicing mobility, listening to the body, breathing, proper abdominal work and emphasis on posture. Before we parted I gave her exercises for “homework” and we agreed that she would sign up for our pregnancy group at the institute.
A completely different Liat came to the group’s third meeting – with less pain and a lot more smiles: “I didn’t believe this moment would come. What fun, I’m finally enjoying my stomach and not being bothered by my back.” I had the privilege of accompanying her exercising until the birth at 41 weeks, free of back pain and happy.
Why is back pain during pregnancy happening to us?
Over 50% of women suffer from lower back pain during pregnancy. They may appear at any stage, impair the quality of life and even become chronic.
The back is an important and very sensitive area, with a central effect on our posture and function (posture is the way we hold the body. For example, a situation in which the back is bent and the shoulders are slumped is considered a posture disorder).
During pregnancy, the back requires increased work and rapid adaptation to the new situation. Due to the belly that grows and pulls forward, there are changes in posture and a greater load than usual is created on the vertebrae of the spine (especially the lower ones). When the abdominal muscles are weak, the back will exert more effort.
There are also changes in the upper back as a result of the growth of the chest which causes increased bending and leaning forward. And what about the hormones? The hormonal changes cause softening of the connective tissues and affect our stability.
It may sound scary, but hey – there is a solution! Physical activity adapted to pregnancy can relieve and even prevent back pain. What exactly will we work on? increasing the mobility of the back; maintaining full ranges of motion; strengthening the muscles that help stabilize the back; And a pleasant stretch of everything that shrinks.
Please note: the exercises are also recommended before pregnancy, and for those who exercise regularly – at any stage during it. If you did not engage in physical activity before pregnancy, it is recommended to start exercising from week 12 all the way until delivery.
ready? lets start!
Exercise 1: Mobility of the spine
1. Start in the six position. The knees are bent and placed at the width of the pelvis, the palms are spread on the floor at the width of the shoulders and the elbows are straight.
2. Take a deep breath in a neutral back position and collect the pelvic floor.
3. Exhaling, begin to arch your back into a rounded position and gather your stomach and navel in (as much as possible).
4. Inhaling Hebrew air gradually to a concave movement. Try to make a gentle movement of the spine from the bottom up, first from the tail area along the back to the neck vertebrae and lifting the head. Feel that the butt goes out towards the ceiling, the back sinks down a little and the head rises.
5. Do 10 repetitions with a five second stretch on each repetition.
Exercise 2: Stretching the back
1. Start by kneeling hip-width apart, with your hands placed straight on the pit bull in front of you and your back straight. take a deep breath.
2. While exhaling, roll the ball forward so that you feel the stretching and lengthening of the back. It is possible for the stomach to drop without letting the back sink. Be sure to collect the pelvic floor while moving.
Pay attention: if during the exercise you feel pressure on your stomach, expand the punctuation a little.
3. Do 10 repetitions with a stretch of about five seconds in each repetition.
Exercise 3: Twisting the spine
1. Sit on a pit ball with your knees bent, with your left palm resting on your right knee.
2. While inhaling air, open your left hand back with a twisting movement of the back and opening the chest. The right hand is placed diagonally on the left knee.
3. When exhaling, we will pass the left hand over the head diagonally and allow stretching of the whole waist. The prank will last five seconds. Make sure the stretch is pleasant and not too strong.
4. After five repetitions we will perform the same exercise on the other side.
Exercise 4: Waist stretch
1. Lie on your side with your waist supported on the pit ball. The lower hand supports the head and the other hand is long at the side of the body. take a deep breath.
2. While exhaling, extend your arms over your head and stretch your entire waist for five seconds.
3. Do five repetitions for each side
At the end of the exercise, the back muscles are recommended to relax in a resting position (fetus position).
From a posture of standing six, bring the buttocks to the heels, a comfortable punctuation between the knees is possible for the stomach, leave long arms in front and stretch the back. Its help to reduce back pain during pregnancy.
Stay in this position for up to 30 seconds.
Exercise 5: Strengthening the muscles of the back and shoulder blades
1. Sit on a pit ball with your knees bent, elbows at 90 degrees and arms at shoulder height.
2. When exhaling, bend your elbows down towards the inside of your torso (in a W shape).
3. Do three sets of 15 repetitions each (each repetition includes going over sections 1 and 2), with a one-minute break between each set.
• If you want to add resistance, you can combine weights or an exercise band
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