
Jet Lag

Jet lag disease :: Host and Care

Jet lag is actually not a disease, but a natural body response when someone experiences extreme time zone changes.

Jet Lag Understanding

Jet lag is actually not a disease, but a natural body response when someone experiences extreme time zone changes. Jet lag is characterized by sleep disturbances, headaches, and emotional disturbances.

This condition, which is also often referred to as zone change syndrome or desynchronosis, is more common in people traveling from west to east.

Jet Lag Reason

Jet lag occurs when the circadian rhythm in the body is disrupted. In simple terms, the circadian rhythm is a natural clock in the body that regulates the body’s condition according to time.

In the morning and afternoon, the circadian rhythm will regulate the body so that it has enough energy to move. Meanwhile, the circadian rhythm will regulate the onset of sleepiness and relaxation hormones at night.

When a person travels to another country where the time of day and night is reversed from that of the country of origin, their circadian rhythm will experience a temporary disturbance. When the circadian rhythm is still unable to adjust, jet lag occurs.

Jet Lag Diagnosis

To determine whether someone is really experiencing jet lag, no special examination is needed. Generally knowing that someone has just traveled to an area with a very different time zone and currently there is a perceived complaint is enough to confirm jet lag.

Jet Lag Symptom

Symptoms of jet lag vary widely, depending on the time zone change experienced, age, and general health condition. Symptoms that are often encountered include:

  • Headache
  • Dizzy spinning or head feels floating
  • Prolonged feeling of fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping at night (insomnia)
  • Easier emotion
  • No appetite
  • Digestive disturbances, such as diarrhea or constipation

Jet Lag Treatment

Actually, there is no treatment for jet lag because this condition is not caused by a disease. However, using sunglasses in the morning and afternoon in the destination country can reduce the symptoms of jet lag.

In addition, setting a sleep strategy is also very important. Starting during the plane trip, try to sleep for at least 20 minutes at what time should be at night in the destination country.

Stay calm if you experience jet lag because it won’t last long. The body generally begins to adapt to the time zone in a new country within 1–3 days.

Jet Lag Prevention

As much as possible avoid consuming caffeinated food or drinks while on the way and after arriving at the destination, because caffeine itself can disrupt a person’s sleep rhythm.

Make sure your water intake is sufficient during the trip. People who consume a lot of water while traveling generally experience mild and brief symptoms of jet lag.

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