

Bald diseases :: Host and Care

Baldness or baldness is known as alopecia in the medical world.

Bald Understanding

Baldness or baldness is known as alopecia in the medical world. Baldness and hair loss are common hair growth disorders.

Diagnosis of baldness can be easily done through direct examination of the hair of the person who is experiencing it. One of the most common types of hair loss is androgenic alopecia, which is the topic of discussion in this article. Generally, baldness shows a distinctive pattern, namely baldness in the frontotemporal area (front area of ​​the head).

Baldness Reason

Alopecia means hair loss. While the term androgenetic has two meanings which refer to the two main causative factors, namely androgens and genetic susceptibility. Baldness is indeed related to androgens. This is evidenced by the absence of alopecia in someone who undergoes castration (castration or removal of testicular function) before puberty. Genetic factors also play an important role in the occurrence of this type of baldness. Studies in twin adults have found prevalence rates of up to 80%–90% in monozygotic twins.

Keep in mind that the hair growth cycle consists of three phases, namely the growth phase (anagen phase), the catagen involution phase, and the resting phase (telogen phase). Hair shedding (exogenous) occurs in the telogen phase. In this type of baldness, the duration of the anagen phase decreases, but the telogen phase remains or is prolonged. This will cause the hair to fail to grow optimally and not reach a sufficient length to reach the surface of the skin. The lengthening of this latent phase then also causes a decrease in the number of hairs.


The diagnosis of baldness can be made through medical interviews and physical examinations. On physical examination, it will appear that there is baldness in the frontotemporal region (front area of ​​the head). Hair tends to be thin and fall out easily.

Another finding that supports baldness is a family history of thinning hairlines. Also usually found short and thin hair on the frontal and vertex areas. A pull test is done to help evaluate hair loss. Examination with KOH solution can also be done to rule out the possibility of fungal infection.


The following signs of baldness can be seen:

  • Baldness starts at the front of the hair
  • Thinning of vertex (crown) hair
  • Hair falls out easily


Without proper treatment, baldness or androgenic alopecia will become a disorder that causes progressive baldness. Treatment options for androgenetic alopecia baldness include medication, surgical therapy, and camouflage.

One of the drugs that can be given is Minoxidil. Minoxidil is actually an antihypertensive therapy, but is prepared in a topical form that can be used to treat hair loss. Another drug that can be used is Finasteride. Finasteride is a type 2 5α-reductase inhibitor and can prevent baldness.

Surgical therapy is usually aimed at hair transplantation. This therapy is quite often done with satisfactory results. Camouflage techniques in the form of combing hair to bald areas can be done to increase self-confidence in people with baldness.


Basically, androgenetic alopecia is a type of baldness that occurs due to genetic factors. Therefore, there is no prevention that has been proven effective for preventing androgenetic alopecia type baldness.

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