Diabetes : high blood sugar

The ultimate GUIDe

By: HostAndcare.com

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world. It is a metabolic disease characterised by a high concentration of sugar (glucose) in the blood.


Results from a complete lack of insulin as a result of the destruction of the cells in the pancreas that are responsible for insulin secretion.

2 Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes:

It occurs when the pancreas still produces insulin, but the insulin fails to do its job: to introduce glucose into the body’s cells.

2 Types of Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes:


Symptoms of Diabetes

Increases amount of fluid through urine

Great thirst and dry mouth

Weakness , fatigue and hunger.

Weight Loss

Sensation disorders in the limbs.


Diabetes in first degree relatives, Autoimmune diseases, vitamin D deficiency etc.

Risk Factor

Type 1 Diabetes:


Overweight, Lack of physical activity, – High blood pressure, Hyperlipidemia etc.

Risk Factor

Type 2 Diabetes:

How do you diagnose?

The fasting blood glucose level is 126 milligrams or more

Two hours after eat,  glucose level is 200 milligrams or more

Impaired Fasting Glucose 125 milligrams


Treatment of diabetes is prevention. you can prevent diabetes or at least postpone it for many years by healthy lifestyle.

How is diabetes treated ?


Atherosclerosis(stroke), Retinopathy(damage to blood vessels in the retina), Kidney failure, Nerve damage etc.
